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A Palestinian family is scattered around the world in a bitter struggle to reunite, having lost their homeland. Their story reveals the underlying factors behind the Palestinian exile and reflects the catastrophe that befell a nation whose land was taken from it. Ostura (Arabic for “legend”) deals with the Palestinian refugees’ right to return to their homeland. Told with the psychological and political boundaries of time and place obscured, this personal story emerges as a national legend.

Festivals and Awards:

Jerusalem International Film Festival, Israel, 1999; Portugal International Film Festival,  1998; Elul, Beirut, Lebanon, 1999

Director: Nizar Hassan

Producer: Nizar Hassan

Production Company: Meshhad Productions

Cinematographer: Jeremy Stavenhagen

Editor: Dan Yitzhaki

Supporter(s): The New Fund for Cinema and Television, theKeshet Foundation, G.G. Israel Studios,Al-Senara, Epsilon Delta, Nazareth

Subtitles: Hebrew, English

Film Name in Hebrew: אוסטורה

A Palestinian family is scattered around the world in a bitter struggle to reunite, having lost their homeland. Their story reveals the underlying factors behind the Palestinian exile and reflects the catastrophe that befell a nation whose land was taken from it. Ostura (Arabic for “legend”) deals with the Palestinian refugees’ right to return to their homeland. Told with the psychological and political boundaries of time and place obscured, this personal story emerges as a national legend.

Festivals and Awards:

Jerusalem International Film Festival, Israel, 1999; Portugal International Film Festival,  1998; Elul, Beirut, Lebanon, 1999

Director: Nizar Hassan

Producer: Nizar Hassan

Production Company: Meshhad Productions

Cinematographer: Jeremy Stavenhagen

Editor: Dan Yitzhaki

Supporter(s): The New Fund for Cinema and Television, theKeshet Foundation, G.G. Israel Studios,Al-Senara, Epsilon Delta, Nazareth

Subtitles: Hebrew, English

Film Name in Hebrew: אוסטורה

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