Pennies by Badran Badran @ Jerusalem Cinematheque

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Pennies by Badran Badran @ Jerusalem Cinematheque

Pennies follows Yichia (14) and Hamam (8), who come from a village in the area of Tul Karem, in the Palestinian Authority. While their parents and elder siblings cannot cross checkpoints to enter the state of Israel, the two brothers work as child beggars. The young children find themselves serving as the sole providers for their family of eleven. From dawn to dusk, soaked in rain or scorched by the sun, they stand at intersections and rely on the kindness of drivers to make their living. Yichia is a very smart boy who has been working as a beggar since he was 9 years old. In this tough profession as younger the kid’s age as better he earns. The father has decided to use his experience.

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